Saturday, December 25, 2010

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Hey, everyone! Just wanted to see how ya'll are, and wish you a Merry Christmas! I'd also like to inform all my wonderful listeners out there that this week's Mainstream will be posted on Friday night, or Saturday morning, depending on how you look at it. Just check up on the site around midnight, for our big 'ol New Year's episode! I hope all of you had a very merry Christmas, and I will see you on Friday night (or Saturday morning!). On a final note, here's probably the worst Christmas song ever. It doesn't even sound like anything close to reggae.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Christmas Episode!

WHAT?! ANOTHER EPISODE OF THE MAINSTREAM?!?! I THOUGHT HE QUIT, CAUSE HE DIDN'T PUT ONE UP LAST WEEK! Well, guess what? I'M BACK! For all of you guys who thought I bailed on you last week, I got some news for you: I actually have a life! Shocking, right? Anyways, now it's time for our much anticipated Christmas Episode! (P.S.: Sorry Gin Rickey, I'm afraid you were a tad late on that e-mail, but don't fear, I will have in my next show!)

For more bizarre Christmas albums, click here!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Episode 4

Well shucky darn 'n slop the chickens, it's time fer another episode of The Mainstream! This is my longest episode yet, so brace yourself. I also whipped this one out at noon today, so as far as making a playlist and recording goes, I made pretty decent time. This episode has got to be my most normal so far, which isn't saying much, but I promise to redeem myself next week with my most bizarre yet! Anyways, here it is: